[Stage 2.0] Procore + Xero: Sending Vendors/Contacts to Procore


Our Procore + Xero Integration ensures that data flows automatically between each system, without the need for manual data. At the foundation, the integration syncs Vendors, Projects, Cost Codes, Progress Claims, Check Payments, and Direct Invoices.

 Here's how to Send Vendors from Xero to Procore: 


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 Step 1: Create a Xero Contact Group named "Procore"

In order to integrate a Vendor, you must first create a Xero Contact group named "Procore"

  1. In Xero, click on Contacts
  2. Click on All Contacts
  3. On the side panel, find “Groups” and click on New.
  4. Name the group “Procore”
  5. Click Save

(INITIALIZATION) Procore+Xero Standard Integration Setup (6)


Step 2: Add a contact to the "Procore" Group

  1. Check the box of the contact you wish you add to the “Procore” group.
  2. Click on Options.
  3. Click Add to Group

(INITIALIZATION) Procore+Xero Standard Integration Setup (7)


 Step 3: Integrate your Contacts

(INITIALIZATION) Procore+Xero Standard Integration Setup (8)

 On the Dimension Cloud integration page, click on the “Get All Contacts” arrow or “Get One Contact” arrow with the specific Contact ID (example below) entered into the field.


(INITIALIZATION) Procore+Xero Standard Integration Setup (9)

After integration, the new Procore Vendor will have a green banner indicating that it is integrated with Xero.


(INITIALIZATION) Procore+Xero Standard Integration Setup (10)

 If any of the mapped information is changed in Xero, subsequent integrations will update Procore to match Xero.


See more about our Xero integration here