Kubernetes Made Easy: How Helm Charts Transform Application Management

Ritik Mittal, Software Developer, Calance | 4 Dec 2023

Managing Kubernetes applications can be a difficult task requiring careful monitoring of numerous resources and configurations. This complexity often leads to challenges in debugging, updating, and scaling applications. Helm, an open-source package manager for Kubernetes, has emerged as a powerful solution to alleviate these challenges and streamline the deployment process. In this comprehensive blog, we will delve into the problem at hand, explore Helm's foundational concepts, and dive deep into two enhanced functionalities: Multiple Containers and Multiple CronJobs.

The Challenge: Complex Kubernetes Deployments

Kubernetes, while providing unparalleled flexibility and scalability, demands high management of resources, configurations, and updates. Industry professionals often find themselves struggling with several key challenges:

  • Debugging Complexity: Debugging misconfigurations or errors in Kubernetes manifests can be time-consuming and error-prone, slowing down the deployment process.
  • Additional Functionalities: Incorporating additional functionalities into existing deployments requires careful coordination of resources and configurations, often leading to manual interventions.
  • Resource Updates: Keeping resources up to date while ensuring minimal downtime demands careful planning and execution.

Helm: Simplifying Kubernetes Management

Helm addresses these challenges by providing a structured and automated approach to managing Kubernetes applications. At its core, Helm introduces the concept of charts - packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources and configurations that can be deployed and managed as a single unit.

Now, we will delve deep into two significant Helm enhancements: Multiple Containers and Multiple CronJobs. These features empower developers and operators to achieve greater versatility and efficiency in their Kubernetes deployments.

Multiple Containers 

Understanding the Concept 

In a Kubernetes pod, multiple containers can be scheduled to run together and share the same network namespace, storage, and context. Each container can serve a distinct purpose, and by working together, they can create more efficient and integrated applications.

Use Cases

  • Sidecar Containers: Sidecar containers are the containers that should run along with the main container in the pod. They provide additional functionalities like logging, monitoring, or handling configurations.
  • Database Proxy: When the main application interacts with databases, a sidecar container acting as a proxy can manage database connections and optimize query performance
  • Shared Storage: Multiple containers within a pod can share access to a common volume, facilitating seamless data sharing and synchronization.

Implementation with Helm

  • Define a Range Variable: In your deployment.yaml file, define a range variable to iterate over container configurations in your values.yaml file.

  • Container Configuration in values.yaml: In the values.yaml file, define a list of container configurations, each containing necessary details such as name, image, resources etc. Take an extra variable called additionalContainers to define the list of your containers other than the main container.

  • Dynamic Template Generation: Utilize Helm's templating engine to dynamically generate Kubernetes manifests based on the specified container configurations.

Multiple CronJobs: Enhancing Task Scheduling

Understanding the Concept

CronJobs in Kubernetes allow you to schedule recurring tasks based on a cron expression. Helm's enhancement enables the management of multiple CronJobs within a single chart, streamlining task scheduling across applications.

Use Cases

  • Backup and Cleanup: Applications often require regular backup and cleanup tasks. Multiple CronJobs can be utilized to schedule these tasks separately.
  • Scheduled Data Processing: Analytical applications might need to process data at specific intervals, which can be efficiently achieved through scheduled CronJobs.

Implementation with Helm

  • Individual Charts for Each CronJob: For each cronjob you want to manage, a separate template needs to be created. This can be done using range parameter. Then we have to define Schedule and other details like image name, container name, commands and restart policy for each template.
    You can define it like this by defining a range parameter on top of the file.

  • Distinct Templates and Values: Define unique CronJob templates and values for each chart. Specify schedules, images, and commands tailored to each specific task.

  • Unified Deployment: Helm's power comes to the fore as it centralizes the deployment of multiple CronJobs defined in separate charts. This ensures consistency and ease of management.

Testing and Deploying

  • Linting Charts: Use the helm lint command to validate the syntax and structure of your charts. This catches potential errors early on.
  • Testing Chart: Employ the helm templates command with the --dry-run flag to simulate the installation process without actually deploying the resources. This helps identify any potential issues before they impact your cluster and gives us the idea of the structure of the templates.
  • Deploying your chart: With your Helm charts tested and validated, it's time to deploy them in your cluster. Execute the helm install command, specifying the release name and the path to your chart. Include the values file as needed.


Helm's ease of use and the availability of tools for creating custom charts and repositories, along with comprehensive documentation, are the key features that make it an outstanding package manager for Kubernetes. By harnessing the power of these features, developers and operators can achieve scalability and efficiency in managing complex applications. As Helm continues to evolve, it remains an essential tool in the Kubernetes ecosystem, ensuring the seamless deployment.